The Brief

Tokyo Digital, in collaboration with Bigballs Films, embarked on an ambitious project to create a digital journal and storyboard for a social audience. This project was unique in its approach, as we explored innovative ways to construct and navigate a stranger’s memories. Our involvement was crucial in ensuring the project's success, particularly in integrating the audience seamlessly into the narrative.

We designed a digital world that was both familiar and progressively futuristic, visually transitioning from the present day to the year 2085, the setting of the game. The user experience was crafted to mimic the flow of memory, featuring a coherent storyline threaded throughout the experience. However, we aimed for each user's journey to be distinct, interspersed with snippets of audio, film, and images.

A mix of self-generated content and data pulled directly from the user's Facebook feed made each interaction with Antoine’s Journal deeply personal. Within a month of its launch, the journal had garnered over 500,000 views across various devices, with active users spending an average of 15 minutes engaged with the site.

Hosting the site on AWS, Tokyo Digital ensured its capability to auto-scale in response to demand. This was particularly important as Capcom, the renowned Japanese video game company behind the project, planned staggered PR releases across the globe to maximise worldwide coverage.

"Remember Me," was crafted by Dontnod Entertainment and launched under the banner of Capcom in June 2013 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows platforms. The game elicited mixed reactions from critics and game enthusiasts.

"Remember Me" was lauded for its distinct milieu, artistic design, and the groundbreaking memory remixing gameplay mechanic. However, it also bore the brunt of criticism for its linear level design, combat mechanics, and the narration of the storyline.

From a sales perspective, "Remember Me" fell short of Capcom's projections. While precise sales data is elusive, the general consensus is that the game didn't make a commercial splash. Notwithstanding the sales, "Remember Me" retains a committed fandom and is frequently hailed for its visionary concepts and principles.

In retrospect, while "Remember Me" may not have reached the pinnacle of success Capcom envisioned, it did bolster Dontnod Entertainment's standing as a game maker willing to venture into unconventional and experimental gameplay mechanics.

Capcom, established in 1979, is known for creating several multi-million-selling game franchises, including Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Devil May Cry, Dead Rising, Ace Attorney, and Marvel vs. Capcom. With Mega Man as its official mascot, Capcom has grown into an international entity with subsidiaries across East Asia, Europe, and North America.

Through this project, Tokyo Digital demonstrated its ability to blend storytelling with technology, creating an immersive, interactive experience that resonated with a global audience, and effectively supporting Capcom's expansive PR strategy.

Our Approach